概要 2024 - 山形大学大学院医学系研究科・医学部 医学部附属病院

 YamagataUniversityGraduateSchool of MedicineSchool andFacultyof Medicine大学院医学系研究科・医学部 4The Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine produces skilled professionalswho are ready to contribute to medical science and medical care all over the world.あゆみ 山形大学医学部は、一県一医科大学構想の第一期校の一つとして(その他;旭川、愛媛)1973年に創設されました。経緯は、昭和43年12月13日山形県に山形大学医学部設立準備委員会が設置され、山形県知事(安孫子藤吉)から山形大学長(廣根徳太郎)宛に医学部設置についての協力の文書が提出されたところから始まりました。昭和47年5月6日山形大学医学部設置連絡会議(山形大学、山形県及び山形市)が設置され、同年7月1日山形大学評議会にて山形大学教授(医学部長予定者)に勲二等旭日重光章受章者、東北大学名誉教授(秋田脳疾患研究所長)中村 隆先生が任用されることが決定し、引き続き同年7月28日同評議会で新潟大学教授一柳邦男先生の山形大学教授(附属病院長予定者)任用を決定し、医学部教授の選考が始まりました。昭和48年9月29日国立学校設置法を一部改正する法律(昭和48年法律103号)の公布施行により、山形大学医学部が設置されました。従って、山形大学医学部は山形県、山形市が山形大学に要請し、日本の医学、医療を担う若者を育む精神で一致し開校したといえます。当然山形県、山形市も山形県の医療を山形大学医学部に頼り、山形大学医学部にも責任が生じたといえます。 国立大学法人法(平成15年7月16日法律第108号)の公布施行により、平成16年4月1日に国立大学法人山形大学へと組織を変えました。現在の教授陣は、ある分野では旧帝大以上の医学研究、臨床を行い、各自が特徴があり、各分野でのオピニオンリーダーとして活躍するという、創立期とは全く異なる意識で世界に通じる医療人の育成を行っております。Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine was established in 1973 as one of the first schools established under the plan of one medical college in each prefecture(including ones in Asahikawa and Ehime). The history of this faculty began when the committee for preparation of Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine was established in Yamagata Prefecture on Dec. 13, 1968 and a document to offer cooperation to establishment of the faculty of medicine was submitted to the President of Yamagata University (Mr. Tokutaro Hirone) by the Governor of Yamagata Prefecture(Mr. Tokichi Abiko). The liaison conference for establishing Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine (among Yamagata University, Yamagata Prefecture, and Yamagata City) was assembled on May 6, 1972 and on July 1 of the same year, it was decided at the Yamagata University council to appoint Dr. Takashi Nakamura, a recipient of Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star, a professor emeritus at Tohoku University(Director of the Akita Cerebropathy Research Institute) as a professor of Yamagata University(as the planned dean of the Faculty of Medicine); subsequently on July 28, it was decided at the same council to appoint Dr. Kunio Ichiyanagi, a professor of Niigata University, as a professor of Yamagata University(planned director of the Yamagata University hospital) and then selection of professors of the Faculty of Medicine was started. As the law to amend part of the National School Establishment Law(1973 Law 103) was enforced on Sept. 29, 1973, Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine was established. Therefore, it can be said that Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine was opened because Yamagata Prefecture and Yamagata City called for establishment of it in Yamagata University and these three parties agreed on the spirit of bringing up youths to bear Japanese medicine and medical care. Naturally, Yamagata Prefecture and Yamagata City came to rely on Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine about medical care of Yamagata, so it can be said that responsibility occurred on the side of the Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine also.With the enforcement of the National University Corporation Law(Law No. 108 on July16, 2003), the university was reorganized into Yamagata University, a National University Corporation, on Apr. 1, 2004. Our current professors are conducting medical studies and clinical practices that are above the level of former imperial universities in some fields and acting as opinion leaders in various fields by showing their individual characteristics, so they are now engaged in upbringing of world-class medical persons with the consciousness that is totally different from that in the foundation period.HistoryYamagata University Graduate School of Medical Science and Faculty of Medicine概要OUTLINE 2024世界の医学・医療を担い、世界に飛躍する人材を育成する山形大学医学部大学院医学系研究科・医学部

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